I am a Stay at Home Mother and Wife of a US Marine! I used to work Full time ever since I could in the hospitality industry. It's still a passion of mine but the hours of work isn't compatible with mothering a toddler and a varying schedule of my husbands. I've been a Stay and Home Mom by choice now for one month and I love it!
We are Oregonians and proud to say so. Because of the military our son was born in California but we can still call him webfooted as he lived there from two weeks old until about 18 months old! The first year of my son's life my husband was sent on a tour in Japan to work there and live there without us. I raised our son with the help of my family. I don't know how I could have done it any other way. That's why I chose to move to Oregon after our son was born in California.
Now the military had new plans for us after my hubby got back from his tour in Japan. We are now living on the East Coast. We miss our Oregon family very much but have come to like where we live now. The weather and landscape is very similar here compared to the valley in Oregon.
I signed up for full time college courses online through a community college studying for my AA in Business Management. I am taking a LOAD of course. Four courses to be exact=13 credits.
Now that I am a SAHM my days are very different than a working outside the home mom. I'm doing more laundry loads, more cooking, cleaning, making beds. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
I created this blog for other military wives and parents. I am proud to be a cloth diaper fanatic and you will see me discussing this on here. I love to share about my cloth diaper experiences. I am a fashionista and makeup lover. Cooking has become fun and at times very experimental for me! You just may see some delicious recipes on here or some must have products! Oh yeah...I'm a big online bargain shopper! I have favorite sites I like buying more things at but if I know another site is offering what I want with a coupon; that's where I will buy the product. I probably spend TOO much time looking for the DEAL online but at least I don't break the bank.
Thank you for stopping by!