Friday, February 18, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill In #30

Wife of a Sailor is the special lady to thank for keeping this fun Friday fill in going! This week she chose questions asked by other bloggers!

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

  • What is your favorite MilSpouse blog (not including Wife of a Sailor who we all love, or your own)? submitted by Our Crazy Life(Wifey note: whaaaat? You can’t say my blog? No fun! LOL, just kidding). I have to say I really enjoy reading Marine Parents. April is so crafty and her little girl is very adorable. She offers great giveaways too!

  • What are your favorite perks about your s/o being deployed (we all know there are perks)? submitted by Ramblings of a Marine Wife. Hmm, very good question! I think saving money! We usually saved a lot of money when hubby was gone because of the extra pays and not going out as much. I have to add that another perk is the anticipation of seeing my hubby after a LONG deployment. You get butterflies all over like you were first dating!

  • How long did you date your before getting engaged? Married? submitted by Utterly Chaotic. Hubby and I met in high school. We dated pretty much all of high school and then he joined the Marines after he graduated. We dated about three years before we were engaged. We were engaged for about eight months before we got hitched!

  • What do you think your would do if s/he wasn’t in the military? submitted by Adventures of M-Squared. Another great question! My hubby is a hands on person. I can see him doing many things. I really see him coaching sports for high schoolers or maybe middle school. Wow, this is really making me think. This is something we don't discuss often but we should discuss as to what he would do in the civilian world. I'm sure his answer right now would be "anything" that will bring in money to support my family!

  • If you could talk to the Secretary of (fill in your appropriate branch) what is one suggestion you would like to bring to their attention in order to improve the lives of military families?  submitted by My Life as His (Air Force) Wife. I would like to see more awareness of the lives of military families be brought to the communities. I know the bases always offer gatherings to become familiar with our neighbors but what about the civilian communities all around us. I would like to see the communities we live in interact more with military families!

    1 Aloha Acres said...

    "I would like to see more awareness of the lives of military families be brought to the communities" ... I think that's a GREAT idea.

    Anonymous said...

    I also enjoy the excitement and anticipation of seeing him again. (The hard parts of reintegration aside) that time when they first get back and you can't keep your hands off each other is definitely a bonus! Civilians don't get to experience that like we do!

    I'm following you now too! :)

    3 To the Nth said...

    I, too, would love to see the civilian community learn about their military neighbors. From the other side of it, I know there are things that I could do better with regard to being a part of the local community; sometimes it's easier to "stick with our own" and keep to an insular military social group.

    4 Unknown said...

    The saving money part of deployment is also a great perk...I had forgotten about that one:)

    5 Unknown said...

    Thanks for following my blog! Looking forward to reading yours!

    6 KimberlyInSEA said...

    You bring up a good point I didn't think of when I filled out my survey... We do spend less money when he's deployed, because we eat out alot!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)