Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Special Anniversary!

You know you are a military wife when: You're husband has been gone for the past TWO wedding Anniversaries due to a deployment (OR unaccompanied tour in Japan!).

This is a very special Anniversary! SIX Years for us. It has gone by super fast! You know what the BEST part is so far about today? DS slept in until 8am! This RARELY happens! Thank you baby boy for a great anniversary present for mommy and daddy!

A short background on the anniversary couple:

*We are high school sweat hearts
*Cheerleader/football play (yes we were THAT couple)
*I stayed with him KNOWING he was going to join the military
*HERE we are six years later! Love you Hubby!

Look at how YOUNG we are!


Tara said...

You two were always adorable. And, yes you were "that" couple miss cheerleading captain :)You two were so sweet in HS. It is great that you are still running strong. Have a wonderful anniversary

Veronica Lee said...

You two make a beautiful couple!

Happy Anniversary!

Always Kara said...

Tara thank you! You know how high school relationships were! I am so glad we are far from that now! I love watching your personal progress and your beautiful daughter grow!

ARK said...

You still look that young!!!!